Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Scavenger Hunt Adventure

Here are some pictures of Group 1 'hunting' for pictures of birds in the wild near the summer school. This proved to be a most enjoyable past time for at least our group. We got to know each other better and had some good laughs. The pictures were pretty hard to find after the first two. They were hanging under bridges, hidden in bushes and even placed in a garbage can. Our main 'hunter' in our group was amazing and could often find the picture within 5 minutes of starting. I was impressed.

It was fun seeing others from other groups scavenging around too.

We started walking from the summer school, so in the end, I think we might have walked a good 4-5 miles yesterday. We were all incredibly exhausted by the time we arrived at the houses.

Our group was only able to find 11 of the 12 pictures of birds (a miscommunication in our group interpreted one clue as 'near the basketball courts' not 'under the bridge near the basketball courts'. This mistake cost us about 20 minutes at the basketball courts with no bird. Also, we managed to mix up the order of 4 and 5. The answer was 'FAILTE ISSGC'.. which means 'a hundred thousand welcomes' ISSGC in Scottish.

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