Monday, July 13, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009 Session Notes

So today is a bit of a odd-schedule. First we started with a clip of the daily show from and let's see if I can embed it...

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Large Hadron Collider

Yay, now you can see how we started our day. So otherwise, I would have to say, today is going pretty well. We've started with a discussion of grids and their common characteristics, talking about the infrastructure that's necessary to have an effective and efficient system. I firmly believe that we're seeing and discussing this today because we're the ones who are going to maintain and build this system; to improve it and to make it better. However, I'm not seeing any sort of non-political discussion, so once again I come back to something I've tried to keep off the blog, which is that the grid seems to have a nearly felonious association of productivity and politics. For now, I'll leave out this sort of discussion, as it can be very subjective.

So the afternoon was a set of Q&A on topics regarding the grid, and some of the topics were:
Filesystems on the grid, The Cloud vs the Grid, How do we do performance metrics on the Grid?, What are the key differences between HTC and HPC. The answers wavered between the technical and the requirements, but without the context of the school it's not really fair to examine the aspects of the Q&A. I'm just blogging this part in context of "this was part of the school".

Cheers, C


  1. Embed doesn't work. At least not on Firefox/Mac and Safari/Mac.

    Also, grids are expensive, therefore politics are involved in getting funding. Just a part of the field.

  2. Agreed Derek, and yet that's one of my prime problems with science that I, Cole Brand, have not resolved internally. Science is not a political thing, it is a process. Granted, money needs to be spent, but the cost of learning can either be done by private concern for profitability, or by the public interest to the betterment of all. I'm still resolving this, but I think that the culture in IT and CS permits the political nature to come out. I don't agree with that culture as I see it. I'm just one man.

    Didn't know the embed wasn't working, will have to look again. I see it picked up some random garbage as well on the translation, so perhaps the problem is with
